Expressions and functions allow for expanded functionality with leads, webhooks, postbacks, and calls. Functions can be nested (one formula within another) to create complex calculations.
Expressions are combinations of functions that can be evaluated anywhere token replacement is available. The available expression types are String, Integer, Float, and Time. The function arguments for each type of expression will be coerced to that type when evaluated. EG: Integer type would coerce "15.24" to 15
[!String! SOME_FUNCTION([first_name]) !!] [!Integer! SOME_FUNCTION([amount], [other_amount]) !!] [!Float! SOME_FUNCTION([currency_token]) !!] [!Time! SOME_FUNCTION([date_token], [another_date_token]) !!]
Given the following example data, the expressions below would output the values as indicated by =>
{ "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "birth_year": "1977", "yob": 2012, "mortgage_amount": 65000, "debt_amount": 8283.25, "started_at_utc": "2020-06-21 22:35:12 UTC" }
Convert function arguments into strings and evaluate the expression.
[!String! ALPHANUMERIC_DASH(CONCAT([first_name], " ", [last_name])) !!] => john-smith
Convert function arguments into integers and evaluate the expression.
[!Integer! MIN([birth_year], [yob]) !!] => 1977
Convert function arguments into decimals and evaluate the expression.
[!Float! SUM([debt_amount], [mortgage_amount]) !!] => 73283.25
Convert function arguments into Time and evaluate the expression.
[!Time! DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD([started_at_utc], 86400), "%Y-%m-%d %M-%S") !!] => "2020-06-22T18:35:12"
A CASE statement that allows you to evaluate complex conditional logic.
Argument | Required | Info |
statement | Required | The statement that will be evaluated. Example: CASE 'apple' WHEN 'apple' THEN 1 WHEN 'banana' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END |
CASE() => 20
Evaluate a statement and output a value when true or false.
Argument | Required | Info |
statement | Required | The statement that will be evaluated. |
output_when_true | Required | The value that will be outputted if the statement evaluates to true. |
output_when_false | Required | The value that will be outputted if the statement evaluates to false. |
IF(15 < 10, 10, 20) => 20
Get the average of the passed numeric values.
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of numeric values. |
AVG(1,2,3,4) => 2.5
Count the passed values.
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of numeric values. |
COUNT(1,2,3,4) => 4
Get the largest numeric value from the set of passed arguments.
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of numeric values. |
MAX(1,2,3,4) => 4
Get the smallest numeric value from the set of passed arguments.
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of numeric values. |
MIN(1,2,3,4) => 1
Returns float rounded to the nearest value.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The value to be rounded. EG:ROUND(8.8) => 9 |
precision | Optional | The precision to be used. EG:ROUND(8.75, 1) => 8.8 |
ROUND(8.2) => 8
Returns float rounded down to the nearest value.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The value to be rounded. EG:ROUND(8.8) => 8 |
precision | Optional | The precision to be used. EG:ROUND(1.234, 2) => 1.23 |
ROUNDDOWN(1.234) => 1
Returns float rounded up to the nearest value.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The value to be rounded. EG:ROUND(8.8) => 9 |
precision | Optional | The precision to be used. EG:ROUND(1.234, 2) => 1.24 |
ROUNDUP(1.234) => 2
Get the sum of the numeric values.
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of numeric values. |
SUM(1,2,3,4) => 10
Returns a copy of the receiver with only alphanumeric characters (0-9 and a-z A-Z) and spaces converted to dashes. Leading and trailing spaces are removed.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
ALPHANUMERIC_DASH(" ./;!!!] hello waffle world!@#$%^&*($) ") => "hello-waffle-world"
Returns a copy of the receiver with only alphanumeric characters (0-9 and a-z A-Z) and spaces converted to underscores. Leading and trailing spaces are removed.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
ALPHANUMERIC_UNDERSCORE(" ./;!!!] hello waffle world!@#$%^&*($) ") => "hello_waffle_world"
Returns the Base64-decoded version of str. This method complies with RFC 2045. Characters outside the base alphabet are ignored.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
BASE64_DECODE('dGVzdA==') => 'text'
Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with RFC 2045. Line feeds are added to every 60 encoded characters.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
BASE64_ENCODE('text') => 'dGVzdA=='
Argument | Required | Info |
*values | Required | This function accepts an unlimited number of string values. |
CONCAT('AB', 'CD', 'EF') => "ABCDEF"
Argument | Required | Info |
search | Required | Outputs true if [value] contains this string. |
value | Required | The string that will be checked. |
CONTAINS('ABCD', 'A') => true
The date_add function adds seconds to a date.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The date that will be modified. |
seconds | Required | The seconds that will be added. |
DATE_ADD([started_at_utc], 86400) => "2020-06-29 11:34:25 -0400"
Format a date
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The date that will be modified. EG '2020-06-29 11:22:57 -0400' |
format | Required | Specifies the format for the date. The following characters can be used. Date (Year, Month, Day): %Y - Year with century %y - year % 100 (00..99) %m - Month of the year, zero-padded (01..12) %B - The full month name (``January'') %b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan'') %d - Day of the month, zero-padded (01..31) %j - Day of the year (001..366) Time %H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, zero-padded (00..23) %I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, zero-padded (01..12) %P - Meridian indicator, lowercase (``am'' or ``pm'') %p - Meridian indicator, uppercase (``AM'' or ``PM'') %M - Minute of the hour (00..59) %S - Second of the minute (00..59) %L - Millisecond of the second (000..999) %N - Fractional seconds digits, default is 9 digits (nanosecond) %z - Time zone as hour and minute offset from UTC (e.g. +0900) Weekday %A - The full weekday name (``Sunday'') %a - The abbreviated name (``Sun'') %u - Day of the week (Monday is 1, 1..7) %w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6) Seconds since the Unix Epoch %s - Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. %Q - Number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. |
DATE_FORMAT([started_at_utc], "%Y-%m-%d %M-%S") => "2020-06-22T18:35:12"
The date_parse function is a natural language date/time parser.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The date or natural language expression. Simple Examples thursday november summer friday 13:00 mon 2:35 4pm yesterday today tomorrow last week next week Complex Examples 3 years ago a year ago 5 months from now 7 hours ago 7 days from now in 3 hours Specific Dates & Times 22nd of june at 8am 1979-05-27 05:00:00 03/01/2012 07:25:09.234567 2013-08-01T19:30:00.345-07:00 2013-08-01T19:30:00.34-07:00 |
format | Optional |
DATE_PARSE("30 days from now") => "2020-07-29 15:42:57 UTC"
The date_subtract function subtracts another timestamp or decimal from the first argument.
Argument | Required | Info |
time | Required | The timestamp to be manipulated. |
time_or_decimal | Required | The timestamp or decimal that will be subtracted from the first argument time. |
DATE_SUBTRACT([current_time_utc], [started_at_utc]) => "2020-06-29 11:34:25 -0400"
The date_to_time_zone returns a copy of the receiver in the given time zone.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | [lead_created_at] |
time_zone | Required | Examples Time Zones:
DATE_TO_TIME_ZONE([lead_created_at], "Eastern Time (US & Canada)") => "2020-07-29 15:42:57"
A method for calculating message digests using the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm by RSA Data Security, Inc., described in RFC1321. MD5 calculates a digest of 128 bits (16 bytes).
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
DIGEST_MD5('text') => 90015098...
A method for calculating message digests using the SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm by NIST (the US' National Institute of Standards and Technology), described in FIPS PUB 180-1.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
DIGEST_SHA1('text') => a9993e36...
A method for calculating SHA256 which works on chunks of 512 bits and returns a 256-bit digest (SHA256)
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
DIGEST_SHA2('text') => ba7816bf8...
Returns a copy of the receiver with all letters converted to lowercase.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
DOWNCASE("HELLO World") => "hello world"
Argument | Required | Info |
search | Required | Finds the integer index of [search] in [value]. If [search] is missing in [value] it outputs nothing. |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
FIND('BC', 'ABCD') => 2
Returns a random UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
GENERATE_UUID() => "518e8221-a29e-72c1-a716-486156481234"
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
length | Required | The number of characters to extract starting from the left. |
LEFT('ABCD', 2) => "AB"
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
length | Required | Outputs the length of the string as an integer. |
LEN('ABCD') => 4
Returns an Access Token for an OAuth Connection.
Argument | Required | Info |
oauth_connection_key | Required | The key that you chose when creating the connection. |
OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN('marchex_v2') => "sdjf9032fj239fj90sjf90wjf390"
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
length | Required | The number of characters to extract starting from the right. |
RIGHT('ABCD', 2) => "CD"
Returns a copy of the receiver formatted as HH:MM:SS
Argument | Required | Info |
seconds | Required |
SECONDS_TO_HMS(3672) => "01:01:12"
Divides value into substrings based on a delimiter, returning the substring at index.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The text that will be modified. |
pattern | Required | The pattern is a String. Its contents are used as the delimiter when splitting str. If pattern is a single space, str is split on whitespace, with leading and trailing whitespace and runs of contiguous whitespace characters ignored. |
index | Required | Index is the index of the split substrings that will be returned. Examples: SPLIT([full_name], ' ', 2) would return "Smith"
SPLIT("John Smith", " ", 1) => "Smith"
Returns a copy of the receiver with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
Whitespace is defined as any of the following characters: null, horizontal tab, line feed, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, space.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
STRIP(" hello world ") => "hello world"
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
search | Required | The text that will be replaced. |
replacement | Required | The replacement text. |
SUBSTITUTE('green cat, blue cat, yellow cat', 'cat', 'dog') => "green dog, blue cat, yellow cat"
Replace all occurrences of search with replacement in value.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The string that will be manipulated. |
search | Required | The text that will be replaced. |
replacement | Required | The replacement text. |
SUBSTITUTE_ALL("green cat, blue cat, yellow cat", "cat", "dog") => "green dog, blue dog, yellow dog"
A substring is a range of characters within an existing string.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required | The text that will be modified |
start | Required | The position where to start the extraction. First character is at index 0. |
length | Required | The number of characters to extract. Pass -1 to extract the rest of the string. |
SUBSTRING([started_at_offer_time_zone], 0, 9) => "2020-09-20"
Returns a copy of the receiver with the first letter of each word capitalized.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
TITLEIZE(" hello world ") => " Hello World "
Returns a copy of the receiver as a phone number in the local format.
Argument | Required | Info |
args | Optional | |
block | Optional |
TO_FORMATTED_NUMBER(" + 1 719-852-2985 ") => "(719) 522-0377"
Returns a copy of the receiver as an integer.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
TO_INTEGER(' 15.15 ') => 15
Returns a copy of the receiver as a JSON string.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
TO_JSON({example: "value"}) => {"example": "value"}
Returns a copy of the receiver as a normalized international phone number.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
TO_PHONE_NUMBER(" 1 (719) 852 2985 ") => "+17198522985"
Returns a copy of the receiver with all letters converted to uppercase.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
UPCASE("Hello World") => "HELLO WORLD"
Returns a copy of the receiver with all percent (%) signs followed by two hex digits replaced with the corresponding character.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
URL_DECODE("hello%20world%2C%20how%20are%20you%3F") => "hello world, how are you?"
Returns a copy of the receiver with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with a percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
URL_ENCODE("hello world, how are you?") => "hello%20world%2C%20how%20are%20you%3F"
Returns a copy of the receiver with only the first 5 digits preserved.
Argument | Required | Info |
value | Required |
USA_ZIP_CODE("USA 90210 OR") => "90210"
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